File -> Examples -> Arm Link -> SnapperArmLinkSerialīefore you can load the code onto your Robot Arm, you'll need to adjust your code to match your gripper type. Open the ArmLinkSerial firmware from the Arduino IDE. Open the folder ArmLinkLibrary-master and copy the ArmLink folder into your Arduino Library folder.
If you wish to manually install the files, download and unzip the InterbotiX Arm Link Library & Firmware files. The Arm Link Library and Firmware is automatically installed with the RobotGeek Tools and Library files and does not need to be installed separately. If you'd like to set up one of the InterbotiX arms, you can follow this guide, which will get you set up with the proper firmware for your robot arm.
The Arm Link Software is currently compatible with:įor this instructable, we will cover the setup and usage of a RobotGeek Snapper Arm with the Arm Link Software. InterbotiX Arm Link is an open source program written in Java in the Processing environment. This software is offered as a simple control solution for these Robot Arms as well as an example for individuals who wish to integrate the Robot Arms into their own applications and systems. In addition to directly controlling your Robot Arm, the Arm Link software can also activate digital outputs, read analog inputs, play motion sequences, and display webcam feeds. Using this software you can control the Robot Arm via a variety of movement modes including Cartesian IK mode, Cylindrical IK mode, and Backhoe/Joint mode. The InterbotiX Arm Link Software provides a simple interface for Arduino-Compatible Robot Arms. ( bool) Boolean variable that indicates whether the top status line display on the LCD should be present on user-drawn LCD screens.Want to be cool like Simone Giertz but don't know where to start? bNxtLCDStatusDisplay bool bNxtLCDStatusDisplay Note: Underscore ( _ ) character denotes a space. Prints a floating point number, with at least 6 characters wide and 2 decimal places Prints a floating point number, with at least 2 decimal places Prints a floating point number, at least 6 characters wide Prints a decimal integer, at least 6 characters wide precision and modifiers sub-specifiers, which are optional and follow these specifications: Specifier So "% 1.2f " tells us to display one digit before the decimal and two digits after the decimal, with "3.14" as the final result. Many digits after the decimal you wish to display. The number before the decimal is how many digits before theĭecimal you wish to display, while the number after the decimal is how For example, if your float is PI (3.14159265), but you only want to dispay "3.14", your string should contain, "% 1.2f ". When displaying floats, for example, you can tell ROBOTC how manyĭecimals places to display. Unsigned hexadecimal integer (capital letters) Scientific notation (mantise/exponent) using E character Scientific notation (mantise/exponent) using e character 0 is the top line and 7 is the bottom line of the display.
There are eight text lines numbers 0 to 7.Top right corner of the display is point (99, 63). The bottom left corner is point (0, 0) and the.The NXT is equipped with a 100 wide by 64 pixels high Information ROBOTC has a rich set of functionality for drawing text and shapes